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Successful Individuals

Reach Your Pinnacle with a Competency-Based Degree (CBD)

Accelerate your career and status through your achievements and skills. The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) can be formally assessed against the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

You are a successful business person, or professional. Apart from career achievements, you may have prior experience or learning (PEL) that could be formally assessed. Your knowledge and skills could form a ‘competencies DNA’  which could go towards a ‘competency-based’ graduate degree such as a Master of Arts, Executive MBA or even a PhD.

A PhD by competencies graduate from Australia
A PhD by competencies graduate from Australia

Dr Brenden and his team will help you to compile and review your ownb ‘competencies portfolio’ using recognised European Qualifications Framework (EQF) levels criteria. Dr Brenden can make recommendations as to what award you may be entitled to, depending on your ‘competencies portfolio’. Candidates are assessed individually and carefully to ensure their PEL is justifiable. Documents and assessments can be done in any language. The assessment process is simple, effective, and affordable. Why not make the first move and contact Dr Brenden to achieve your goals and save time, money and hassles?

5 Simple Steps

  1. Complete the application form, stating your goals and aspirations and submit a full CV/resumé and profile (autobiography).
  2. Dr Brenden and his associates will do a free cursory assessment and advise you of your way forward.
  3. A competencies portfolio is created and populated.
  4. Credit-mapping is undertaken, and any missing credits are topped-up through additional courses, projects, etc.
  5. A recommendation is made for an award.
Mature candidates are welcomed.

Mature adults do not have to go ‘back to college’. A successful career can be an indicator of achievement which can be formally assessed. After 60 years in Higher Education, I can confirm that awards based on competencies are the way forward. This method can ensure that you reach the right level with minimal time and fuss for a recognised graduate degree. 

Dr Ray Morland, retired Professor, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia


Some people started but did not complete a qualification due to circumstances beyond their control. It is a wish to complete this but various reasons stand in the way – they may not be able to resume full time study; the school may require them to start from scratch; or they just don’t know where to begin. ‘Topping up‘ does exactly – it allows students to make up their credits by taking on additional courses or student work in exchange for credit, in order to complete a degree. Previous research and ‘competencies’ may be taken into consideration for credits. This is a self-paced learning method that is tailored-made to fit individual needs. For advice please Speak to us about distance learning opportunities

Are you a DIAMOND?

Are you a diamond?

Too often, people fail to see their own potential. They look beyond themselves. Russell Conwell, the founder of Temple University, in his famous book ‘Acres of Diamonds’ stresses ‘true wealth is in your own backyard”. Look at your competencies and revolutionise your life. It is never too late to move forward with what you have at hand and can build on. Every week, I receive emails from people asking about having their ‘competencies’ formally assessed. It is amazing how many achievements they have that can be recognised for an academic qualification. If you need advice about the ‘diamonds’ you have at hand, please contact us.

A DBES client from China.


Sometimes, you have the expertise or knowledge but you do not have any way of proving this through documentary evidence. If your skill or ability can be demonstrated, we could create a challenge test for you.  A challenge test will review all the competencies needed for a certain credit (or qualification), and if you can perform well on the test, you will be assigned the necessary credits.

Take your first step to success.